Application of ZyBar

Do you need to thin ZyBar prior to use?

ZyBar requires no thinning or dilution. ZyBar is ready-to-use. Each can is packaged for individual use as defined in the application instructions. There is no catalyzing required with ZyBar.

Is there a big increase in horsepower with an in/out coating?

During our dyno testing in April we tested long tube headers coated outside only and inside & outside coated. We experienced a 1.2% gain in horsepower and torque consistently between 4000 and 5700 rpm when coating was both inside and outside the headers versus 0.4% horsepower and torque gain on headers coated on outside only. We experienced a consistent performance gain when both the inside & outside of the headers were coated.

How do you know that you are applying the coating “thick enough”?

ZyBar technology requires only 1.5-2.5 Mil thick coating (.0015 - .0025). On a media blasted surface if you see the color change from the “gray” to the ZyBar color you have likely applied enough material. Since ZyBar will bond to itself you can re-coat any area you feel was light by simply passing the spray gun over that area on two passes (in other words from right side to left of area and then back again). This is especially important with ZyBar-Aluminum as that color is not significantly dissimilar to the media blasted surface color.

Do you spray it on?

We recommend using a low pressure (28-30 psi) paint spray gun.

What size can do I use on different sized components?

The rule of thumb to follow is:

One (1) eight ounce bottle will coat a set of small block headers or set of “Shorty” headers coated inside & outside.

One (1) 4 ounce bottle will coat a turbo housing or a 4 cylinder stock manifold coated inside & outside also a set of 8 cylinder piston heads.

One (1) sixteen ounce bottle will coat a set of long tube headers inside & outside.

One thirty two (32) ounce bottle will coat an entire exhaust.

Assume one (1) ounce per 18” of 2 ½” standard exhaust tube.

How do you coat inside the tubes or headers?

For components such as tube or headers we have found the best method to coat the interior with ZyBar is:

  1. - Utilize a flexible hose/wire with jaw clasp at one end (aka Tool Grabber).
  2. - Ball up non-lint clean rags and use jaw clasp to hold rags.
  3. - Dip the rag into ZyBar and allow rags to soak up coating thoroughly.
  4. - Dip the rag into ZyBar and allow rags to soak up coating thoroughly.
  5. - Pull the rag ball through both ends of each port on tube or header
  6. - Dip the rag as needed to keep rag wet with coating (very light drip)
  7. - Hang the component and allow the coating to dry
  8. - Use a non-lint rag wetted with acetone or other like solvent to remove any drips or excess coating that should drain out of the tubes
  9. - Due to the difficulty with geometries of the component it will not be possible to ensure 100% consistent coverage. We have found this process to be the most effective method for ZyBar.

  10. DISCLAIMER: Good coatings do not overcome bad surface preparation or application.

An alternative that we have heard others use is the “cap & slosh” method. For components such as tubing which cannot be easily sprayed, ZYBAR can be applied in a manner which flows over the surfaces.

To do this:

  1. - Prepare to pour ZYBAR in one end by sealing off all other openings except the planned point of coating entry. Sealing can be done using commercially available silicone plugs, tape or other non-absorbing materials.
  2. - Pour a suitable amount of coating material into the unsealed opening.
  3. - Then seal the “pour” opening
  4. - Gently rotate the tubes/manifold to permit the coating to flow over all interior surfaces.
  5. - Due to the wide range of manifold geometries and configurations, fully ensuring that adequate coverage has been achieved is not possible. Thus, the greater the number of angles of rotation that are used, the greater the probability of full coverage.
  6. - Drain the manifold or tubular item. NOTE: Be sure to pour out the coating used on the inside surfaces into a second container for disposal later. Cross-mixing of the “virgin” ZYBAR can cause problems.
  7. - Just as in the application of the coating, it is important to fully rotate the pipe/manifolds in numerous angles so as to avoid trapping any coating in recesses. If this happens, the added coating thickness in these recesses will result in the coating “mud-cracking” once it cures.
  8. - Hang the internally coated part so as to allow for continued uniform draining, until it is dry to the touch.
  9. - Use a lint-free cloth wetted with acetone or similar solvent (No mineral spirits or naptha solvents) to remove any coating that has gotten onto the exterior surfaces, before it dries.

    Note: Saving the leftover material in a sealed container for future use is not recommended.

I Missed a spot of coating or I scratched it in install - what do I do?

The four-ounce bottle is also perfect for touch up. Once Zybar is cured you can apply a second coat over the surface. This is a unique benefit of ZyBar vs ceramics and other less efficient coatings. The 4 oz. can is designed for touch-up and finishing purposes. We suggest wearing gloves and not touching the area with your hands, scotch-brite to rough up the area that you are touching up. Then re-spray or use a very small brush to apply Zybar to the affected area. It is important to follow the step by step application instructions for mixing/stirring prior to use.

Should applicant wear gloves?

It is imperative that anyone using Zybar read and follow both the Safety Data Sheet and Application Instructions which are readily available at

Gloves and proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) should be worn at all times during handling, use, and application and cleanup of ZyBar. It is also important to wear gloves when handling the components that you will be coating, especially after surface preparation.

Can you put ZyBar over something that is already ceramic coated?

We do not recommend this. Previously ceramic coated parts should be media blasted according to our application instructions.

If you nick a corner after cap/slosh, how do you touch up?

We offer the 4 oz. size specifically for touch up of these areas. The benefit of ZyBar versus other heat coatings is you can apply a second coat of ZyBar over the first coat of the same. ZyBar is formulated to bond to itself.

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