
ZyCoat: A Game-Changer in Heat Management

ZyCoat’s advanced coatings are engineered to maximize heat dissipation while withstanding extreme temperatures. ZyCoat’s technology is designed for high-heat environments, our solutions deliver unmatched thermal performance and durability. When applied to turbos and headers, ZyCoat provides transformative benefits.


Application to Turbos

Turbochargers operate under intense thermal conditions, with exhaust gases reaching temperatures exceeding 2100°F (1150°C). This level of heat degrades materials and reduces efficiency if not properly managed. Header wraps and blankets allow metal fatigue to occur and trap moisture on the surface creating a corrosive environment. Wraps & blankets terminate warranty from most original component manufactures. ZyCoat’s heat-dissipating coatings address these challenges by:

  • Accelerating Heat Transfer: ZyCoat coatings promote even heat dissipation resulting in increased spool rate. Proven by Pro Mod Racer Corey Clemens – King of the Jungle at 2024 March Mania Xtreme Raceway Park, Ferris Texas. Corey achieved a quarter second spool rate improvement and accelerated ignition time with ZyBar coated turbo versus uncoated set up. ZyCoat technology prevents localized hotspot buildup that could damage the turbo.

  • Reducing Heat Soak: By minimizing heat absorption into the turbo housing, the coatings improve overall system efficiency.

  • Protecting Components: High thermal stability ensures the turbo remains intact even under extreme conditions, extending its operational life.


Application to Headers and Other Engine Components

Exhaust headers are another area where heat management is vital. Excessive heat can lead to warping, cracking, or diminished performance. ZyCoat coatings offer the following advantages for headers:

  • Improved Heat Dispersal: Coatings enhance thermal conductivity, allowing heat to escape efficiently and reducing stress on the headers.

  • Lower Engine Bay Temperatures: By dissipating heat more effectively, ZyCoat minimizes heat buildup in the engine bay, protecting surrounding components.

  • Increased Efficiency: Efficient thermal management ensures exhaust gases flow smoothly, contributing to better engine performance.